Restoration: Launch of handbook for management of internal load in lakes
In this picture we joined SLU and Ensucon on the first day of measuring the water inflow to Sätterfjärden. Photo: Rosemari Herrero
In April the handbook for management of internal loading of phosphorus in lakes was published in Swedish. Internal load is the hidden eutrophication problem that arises when phosphorus is released from bottom sediments due to low levels of oxygen. The handbook is an outcome of the LIFE project Rich Waters that was started in 2017 and will end in 2024. This tool will help to draw conclusions on what measures to take against eutrophication.
The handbook is available on the webpage of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management: Handbok för åtgärder mot internbelastning - Publikationer - Data, kartor och rapporter - Havs- och vattenmyndigheten ( and on the webpage of LIFE IP Rich Waters:
It is now also available in a short version ( and in English (
In June representatives from the LIFE project Rich Waters together with representatives from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management held a webinar where ca 90 participants listened in to the conclusions and were able to ask questions on the handbook.
Testing started to draw conclusions on internal load in coastal areas
In April we started collecting data of water flows and water quality in two bays in Österåker and two bays in Blekinge. The purpose of this project is to learn more about how to deal with internal phosphorus loading in coastal areas. We want to complement the handbook and model that was just launched that can be used to determine the risk of internal phosphorus loading in lakes. With this data, we can add knowledge on how the model can be applied in coastal areas.