Year in Review for 2023 now online

The total result for 2023 is an additional inflow reduction of 48 tonnes of phosphorus per year into the Baltic Sea. 48 tonnes is enough to stop 320 000 bathtubs filled with toxic algae every year* and comparable to 13 500 hectares of wetlands.** We're excited to share our key results from 2023 and look forward to new projects, existing projects in exciting phases, and new initiatives in 2024.

* Calculation made by Finnish Environmental Institute for John Nurminen Foundation. 1 kg phosphorus (P) = 1 tonnes of algae.
** Based on the average result in the Swedish Board of Agriculture's compilation of all wetlands in the rural development program.

Impactful measures resulted in a record year
A message from the CEO

2023 was a year when we had the opportunity to reap the rewards of long-term efforts. In total, we succeeded in implementing measures estimated to prevent 48 tonnes of phosphorus from reaching the Baltic Sea each year. This is three times more than what we achieved in 2022, which was a record year in itself.

At the same time, 2023 was a year of subtle change. We started the conclusion of our Port Project, which has been a significant success for us. Simultaneously, we were building for the future. We took significant steps in the development of new projects that we believe have potential. We structured the organisation for growth, opened offices in Poland, and initiated two projects with EU funding, which could become a new important financing channel.

We observe how our emphasis on Poland is paying off and anticipate continuing to increase our focus on Poland. Throughout the year, we received several requests to participate in various EU applications, which feels like a confirmation that we have generally strengthened our position in the industry, both as an organisation in general but especially as a cooperative actor.

We are delighted to continue fostering open collaboration among Baltic Sea partners, as seen in joint initiatives on Baltic Sea Day, and increasingly engaging in collaborative projects with other non-profits.

Looking ahead to 2024, we eagerly anticipate the development of the Production Project in Poland and the initiation of a new project after the conclusion of the Port project. Additionally, we look forward to witnessing and contributing to the development of Baltic Sea Day celebrations, the continuation of the Reed Project, and many other exciting endeavors.

In conclusion, the future feels more exciting than ever.

Peter Wiwen-Nilsson
CEO, Race For The Baltic


GYPREG: Gypsum potential in Sweden and field test preparations


Baltic reed event 🌾 See the recording