Production Project speeding up
Kamil Jagodzinski, presents best practices in Warsaw.
The Production Project is still in its build-up. Despite some troubles caused by the ongoing war in Ukraine the project has already come a long way. In the past quarter we held several important meetings with our partners. We have also met with the port management at one of the larger fertilizer production facilities around the Baltic Sea and initiated discussion on how to minimize losses to the sea.
Furthermore, our best practices with regards to bulk fertilizer leakage reduction have been presented at two international conferences; ESPC4 and Argus Fertilizer East Europe in Warsaw. During the Warsaw conference our Business Manager Kamil Jagodzinski took part in a discussion panel “Shipping and Logistics symposium: Challenges for ports and shippers”.
The Production Project has intensified during spring with numerous visits, meetings and talks with main partners in Poland. Race For The Baltic held numerous discussions on the future of our cooperation and available financial opportunities with the goal of leakage reduction during the fertilizer production processes.
We also met with the largest fertilizer seaports in Poland (Gdansk and Police) to discuss the issues of leakage points when loading and unloading bulk fertilizer, best practices, water sampling technologies and possible areas of collaboration, which will continue in the future.
Within our extended promotion and networking activities, in June 2002 we participated in two conferences: 4th European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference 2022 in Vienna (ESPC4) and Argus Fertilizer East Europe in Warsaw. During the Warsaw conference our Business Manager Kamil Jagodzinski took part in a discussion panel “Shipping and Logistics symposium: Challenges for ports and shippers”, presenting our best practices with regards to bulk fertilizer leakage reduction within the Baltic Sea region.