Production: First solutions in place at our key partners
The newly arrived cleaning machine at Fosfan’s seaport terminal. Photo: Fosfan
Significant progress was made during Q4 of 2023 with our key partner in Poland. A grant agreement was signed for a solution addressing spillage of phosphate rock and fertilizers into the Baltic Sea. With this agreement in place, we financed a sweeper attachment for a Bobcat machine, which is now operational. Ongoing discussions involve potential projects for environmental improvements in fertilizer production. Additionally, an agreement for co-financing of a cleaning machine for Fosfan, a fertilizer manufacturer, was signed, contributing to reduced phosphorus emissions in the Baltic Sea. Progress on prevention cover design grant agreements is expected in Q1 2024.
First agreement on concrete solution signed with our main partner.
In October 2023 we managed to finalise and sign the first agreement on a tangible solution that will help to reduce the spillage of phosphate rock and fertilizers into Baltic Sea waters. With this contract we financed the purchase of a sweeper attachment that will be connected to a Bobcat machine. Our partner will use it in the port facilities where a significant number of vessels with phosphate rock and fertilizers are handled. The machine was delivered to our partner headquarters at the end of November 2023, and it is already operational.
Additionally, we also progressed with them on financing the design of prevention cover. We plan to sign the agreement in the first quarter of 2024.
Ongoing discussion on potential projects within fertilizer production area.
During the fourth quarter of 2023 we further discussed with our main partner potential areas of cooperating to improve processes from an environmental point of view. We looked at several sections which could be crucial for spillage and emission reductions. We will carry on this discussion in the first quarter of 2024.
Strengthening cooperation with Fosfan – a middle sized fertilizer manufacturer in Poland.
In the fourth quarter of 2023 we concluded and signed the agreement on co-financing a cleaning machine which will be used in the seaport terminal and the production plant. The machine was bought by Fosfan and delivered to their headquarters in November 2023. It will be put into operation in the first quarter of 2024. This machine will contribute substantially to phosphorus emissions to the Baltic Sea.
Furthermore, we have also progressed on a grant agreement for design of the prevention cover which we hope to get signed in the first quarter of 2024.