New cooperation agreement within the production of fertilizers
In the third quarter of 2024, RFTB signed a new cooperation agreement with Fabryka Zieleni (Fosfan). Additionally, we engaged in another productive meeting with Grupa Azoty Police to set new cooperation goals and participated in the Baltic Sea Conservation Foundation meeting in Gdańsk.
Cooperation agreement with Fabryka Zieleni (former Fosfan)
Grzegorz Olszewski presenting at the Future Funding Conference in Gdansk. © RFTB
Thanks to a successful cooperation with Fabryka Zieleni and Port and Odrą (cleaning machine and prevention cover), we signed the cooperation agreement with the Production Project. The agreement aims to identify various projects and activities to reduce the environmental impact of fertilizer production.
Meeting with Grupa Azoty Police
The RFTB delegation engaged in a high-level meeting with Grupa Azoty Police. Due to the ongoing production of prevention covers and the successful implementation of the cleaning machine in the Port of Police, we want to set up a plan for future cooperation with Grupa Azoty Police. We presented our achievements and goals for the next quarter and discussed new areas of cooperation.
Phosphogypsum recycling
RFTB actively pursues phosphogypsum recycling possibilities in Poland. We engaged top construction companies, cement producers, and waste recycling companies to build a cooperation platform that could lead to the start of phosphogypsum reuse in both construction and agriculture.
Baltic Sea Conservation Foundation meeting in Gdańsk
Our Business Manager for the Production Project, Grzegorz Olszewski, participated in the Future Funding Conference organized in Gdańsk on September 10-11 by the Baltic Sea Conservation Foundation. During the event, we had a chance to pitch our Production Project, discuss possible funding opportunities, and engage with other NGOs who attended the Conference.