Internship reflections

Meet Beatrix Koller, a student from Stockholm University's Business, Ethics, and Sustainability program. This semester, she has been an invaluable part of our team as an intern, contributing her skills and passion to our mission to protect the Baltic Sea.

Beatrix why did you choose to do your internship at Race For The Baltic?
I chose the internship because of RFTB’s impactful mission to improve the health of the Baltic Sea. When I saw the opening to join RFTB as a Project Management Intern, I knew this would be the ideal opportunity to apply what I have learned in my studies in Business, Ethics and Sustainability in a practical and meaningful way. As someone passionate about sustainability, I was drawn to RFTB’s collaborative and solution-oriented approach. I felt there was no better place to work with international projects focusing on tangible solutions for something so important that affects us all - the health of the sea.

What have you learned during your internship?
This internship is a great learning experience in many ways. I’ve deepened my understanding of the Baltic Sea’s ecosystem and the importance of collaboration when working with environmental challenges. It’s a good opportunity to improve communication and networking skills when engaging with diverse stakeholders like NGOs, researchers, and environmental organizations and municipalities. In addition to that, I am learning a lot about innovative technologies, water management policies and how to find financing opportunities. Last but not least, my time at Race for the Baltic empowered me to take initiative and work independently on shared goals.

What have you enjoyed working with during your internship?
One of the things I enjoyed most with the internship is being part of such a motivated and collaborative environment. It is truly inspiring to see how deeply passionate everyone at RFTB is about their work and how the organization channels expertise from various fields to drive impactful solutions for a healthy Baltic Sea. The team is very welcoming, generously shares their knowledge, actively involves me in their work and shows great trust by giving me significant responsibilities. Overall, this experience has been incredibly valuable, filling me with optimism—not just for my own future, but also for the future of the Baltic Sea.

Interested in doing an internship with us? Read more here.



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