Production: exploring recycling of phosphogypsum
New phosphorus reducing project defined
New project initiated aimed at reducing the inflow of phosphorus into the Odra River. © Migawka, A.
In cooperation with our partners at Fabryka Zieleni and the Technical University of Koszalin, Race For The Baltic has initiated a new project aimed at significantly reducing the inflow of phosphorus into the Odra River and the Baltic Sea. We have already started analysing one potential area of phosphorus reduction and will after that move on to installment of proper measures to decrease the phosphorus.
Cooperation with German partners
As a part of our Production project, we have started to look at waste materials generated from the refinement of raw materials in fertilizer. Our Project Managers have engaged in multiple meetings with German academia and companies interested in recycling phosphogypsum. The reduction of coal burning and natural gypsum mining in Germany has led to a gypsum shortage for industrial use. Together with our partners, we are exploring opportunities for cooperation to identify potential companies interested in Polish phosphogypsum. This long-term goal aims to facilitate discussions and develop solutions for the hundreds of millions of tons of phosphogypsum accumulated in Poland.