Pressmeddelande: Baltic Sea Solutions – Framtidens lösningar för Östersjön
Östersjön, känt både för sin biologiska mångfald och som ett av världens mest förorenade innanhav. Baltic Sea Solutions, ett unikt forum i samband med Östersjödagen, siktar på att förändra detta. Med visionen att belysa och främja konkreta åtgärder och lösningar för att bevara och revitalisera detta kritiska vattenekosystem. Samtidigt erbjuder havet stora möjligheter till lösningar. Med rätt förvaltning har haven potentialen att hjälpa mänskligheten genom att producera protein och energi. Evenemanget, understött av betydande aktörer, syftar att skapa en mötesplats för att kunna accelerera innovativa och skalbara lösningar för ett friskt Östersjön.
Port: More port terminals
In close collaboration with our Production project we have continued our work to prevent leakages in port terminals handling dry bulk. In the past quarter we made progress in several medium-sized terminals in north-western Poland, where discussions on various solutions took place. We see good opportunities to implement solutions in several of these port terminals in the near future.
Baltic Sea Solutions: Innovationer för en hållbar blå ekonomi
31 augusti samlas vi i Stockholm för att fira Östersjödagen och för att djupdyka i konkreta åtgärder som kan vidtas för ett friskare Östersjön.
På eventet Baltic Sea Solutions kommer vi i fyra block lyfta hållbara lösningar inom blå mat, innovativa vattenreningstekniker, hållbar blå finans och banbrytande startup-tekniker.
Ett välmående hav är grunden till vår välfärd och en god ekonomi. Ta möjligheten att fördjupa dig inom den hållbara blåa ekonomins potential, nätverka och bidra till de gemensamma ansträngningarna som görs för att skydda Östersjön.
Production: The start of concrete projects
We have deepened the collaboration with our main partner – a large fertilizer producer in Poland. Site visits were conducted to construct prevention covers at the quayside, and a cooperation agreement is expected to be finalised soon. We also progressed in collaboration with other medium-sized partners in north-western Poland, where discussions on various solutions took place. Additionally, we organised a presentation of two cleaning machines designed for seaport terminals, both worked exceptionally well and will make it easier to collect and remove any residues that may leak onto the quay during loading and unloading.
Restoration: Launch of handbook for management of internal load in lakes
The handbook for managing internal load of phosphorus in lakes was published in April, addressing the hidden eutrophication issue caused by phosphorus release from sediments due to low levels of oxygen. Developed as part of the LIFE project Rich Waters, the handbook offers guidance for combating eutrophication. Additionally, in April we started collecting data of water flows and water quality in two bays in Österåker and two bays in Blekinge. The purpose of this project is to learn more about how to deal with internal phosphorus loading in coastal areas.
Almedalen: Is Sweden about to be sued for its Baltic Sea work?
Seminar at Östersjödagarna in Almedalen
Organisers: LIFE IP Rich Waters, WWF and Race For The Baltic
Location: Cramérgatan 5, Almedalsbiblioteket
Date & Time: June 30th, 12:00-12:45
UN reaches historic agreement to protect the world’s oceans
On the 4th of March 2023, the countries of the world finally reached an agreement to protect the environment in the world's oceans. The agreement creates global rules to limit environmental impact and create marine protected areas in the high seas, which make up 95 percent of the world's ocean volume. The new High Seas Treaty will be critical to protecting 30% of land and sea by 2030, which was decided during last year's UN Biodiversity Conference, COP15.
New EU rules on treating urban wastewater as part of a zero-pollution legislative package
The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD) was adopted over 30 years ago in 1991. While it has significantly reduced the adverse effects of wastewater discharges from urban sources, a revision was necessary to address shortcomings and new challenges such as the presence of many more pollutants in urban wastewater than are covered in existing legislation.
New project to our project portfolio: the Reed Project
There are many aspects to consider ranging from environmental impact from harvesting, commercial uses of reed to harvesting equipment. While there are many promising uses for reed, such as replacement of peat, straws, biochar, and fodder, ensuring their sustainability remains a challenge.
The project is set to begin this summer and will continue for three years. We are excited to keep you updated on our progress as we move forward.
Production: Substantial progress with our main partner
We are pleased to announce significant progress with our main partner, a large fertiliser producer in Poland, during the first quarter of 2023. We held a high-level meeting where we discussed the framework and scope of our future cooperation, which will formally commence upon signing the agreement. The meeting showcased a consensus on several areas with enormous potential for reducing phosphorus leakage into the Baltic Sea.
We also deepened collaboration with a medium-sized fertiliser producer and seaport operator. Our site visit confirmed the effectiveness of our prevention cover in reducing spillage. We actively participated in a Helcom workshop on hot spot criteria.
Horse: Commercial and private actors engage in “Varje Skit Räknas”
Information posters distributed to Sweden’s horse community are starting to show up online and in stables around the country!
Distributed in cooperation with Sweden’s largest horse-riding magazines (Tidningen Ridsport, Häst & Ryttare and Hippson), the poster draws attention to the importance of continuously mucking horses' winter paddocks and serves as an encouraging reminder of how horsekeepers can have a positive impact on the Baltic Sea.
If you want to help spread the word, just send an email to and request a poster or download it here.
Fish: RFTB hosts 2023 fishing season kick-off meeting
RFTB remains engaged in securing a long-term solution to ensure the sustainability of bream and id fishing in the Baltic Sea.
To-date, the fishing has been carried out through a regulation and monitoring cooperation between RFTB, the County Administrative Boards (LS), the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the fishers.
Port: New prevention cover in Gdansk Port & workshop in Gdynia
We have successfully implemented a prevention cover for dry bulk fertiliser unloading at a terminal in Gdansk Port. Thanks to excellent cooperation, the cover is now fully operational. We are also in discussions with other terminals in the Szczecin Port area for similar measures. In addition, we recently co-hosted a workshop with HELCOM to discuss strategies for reducing nutrient emissions in Baltic Sea ports, attended by industry and government stakeholders.
City Accelerator: Next event is around the corner!
The City Accelerator Club is hosting an event in Stockholm from April 25-27, focusing on accelerating solutions against eutrophication in municipalities and protecting the Baltic Sea. Featuring diverse speakers and sessions on topics such as stormwater planning and funding opportunities. Eleven municipalities coming from Estonia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden will get valuable insights and networking opportunities for municipalities. Contact Julia Gerlach at for more information.
Year in Review for 2022 now online
In 2022, our projects made a significant impact with a reduction of 16 tons of phosphorus in the Baltic Sea, equivalent to 16,000 tons less algae! We also strengthened our relationships with Polish ports and identified new terminals with a potential leakage of 60 tons of phosphorus. We're excited to share our key results from 2022 and look forward to new projects, existing projects in exciting phases, and new initiatives in 2023.
Promising trend towards our vision
Annual nutrient inputs into the Baltic Sea still need to come down below the maximum allowable inputs (MAI). Should we reach (and stay) below the MAI level for phosphorus, which is 21 716 tons annually, the sea can begin to recover on its own for the benefit of future generations. The latest consolidated update by HELCOM shows the continuation of a positive trend. And should the trend of the last five years continue, the MAI for phosphorus should be reached by 2029, one year ahead of our target.
Muck for your horse and our waters
In cooperation with Sweden’s largest horse riding magazines (Tidningen Ridsport, Häst & Ryttare and Hippson), we distributed information posters to Sweden’s horse community, i.e. primarily equestrian clubs and riding schools. The poster draws attention to the importance of continuously mucking horses' winter paddocks. With this activity we aim to boost mucking frequency and increase knowledge about how horse manure can lead to the eutrophication of waterways, lakes and the Baltic Sea.
Upcoming City Accelerator event in Stockholm
In Q422 we met with our Lithuanian members to discuss their local work and challenges addressing eutrophication. We would like to thank Panevėžys and Klaipėda District for their engagement and contribution to the City Accelerator Club and their commitment to extend their membership for another three years!
Progress towards results in the production project
During Q422 we developed solutions to prevent leakages for one of the largest phosphate fertilizer ports in the Baltic Sea region. The solutions are now on the table for decision, and we hope to see them implemented during 2023. We also had another high-level meeting with our main partner in Poland, which is a large fertilizer producer.
New efforts to reduce nutrient emissions
Port project members continued to visit terminals around the Baltic Sea. We were invited by the terminals in Szczecin Port in Poland and Port of Klaipeda in Lithuania for site visits and roundtable discussions about potential joint projects to reduce the nutrient emissions when handling bulk cargo in ports. We now will prioritize the identified projects based on their impact efficiency and subsequently aim to implement the projects that will have the maximum return for the Baltic Sea.