Ports Helene Isander Ports Helene Isander

Port: All cleaning machines put into operation at our key partners

During the first quarter of 2024 all cleaning machines that we co-financed have been put into operation at our key partners which is: Fosfan, Baltic Stevedoring Company and Grupa Azoty Police. As the winter receded and the weather improved it enabled them to use the equipment at harbours, warehouses, and production areas where they handle fertilizers and phosphate rock. We have made a great step towards wrapping up port project as it will be concluded in 2. On the top of things there has been a huge progress with prevention cover designs. Covers will be installed at the seaports of our above-mentioned key partners.

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Production Helene Isander Production Helene Isander

Production: Grupa Azoty Police and Race For The Baltic announces cooperation

Significant progress was made with our key partner in Poland, Grupa Azoty Police where we officially announced cooperation to reduce the environmental impact on the Baltic Sea. The port is located just by the Oder River and it is Poland’s fourth-largest port by cargo volume with two million tonnes of cargo being transshipped here annually. After the successful implementation of cleaning sweepers in the Police Port terminal, RFTB is now looking at new projects together with Grupa Azoty within environmental sustainability. RFTB also participated in a series of meetings and a conference where we discussed the circular economy possibilities within the phosphate industry and presented best available practices for handling dry bulk fertilizer in ports.

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GYPREG Helene Isander GYPREG Helene Isander

GYPREG: Gypsum potential in Sweden and field test preparations

The main purpose of the GYPREG project is to increase the uptake of gypsum treatment in agricultural fields and promote the adoption of good practices to reduce phosphorus losses into the Baltic Sea. Together with Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), RFTB performed a GIS-analysis (Geographic Information System) of agricultural areas in Sweden draining to the Baltic Sea and suitable for gypsum amendment. The study showed that there are 229 645 hectares of suitable land in Sweden draining to the Baltic Sea, where gypsum treatment can be applied.

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News Helene Isander News Helene Isander

Year in Review for 2023 now online

2023 was a year when we had the opportunity to reap the rewards of long-term efforts. In total, we succeeded in implementing measures estimated to prevent 48 tonnes of phosphorus from reaching the Baltic Sea each year. This is three times more than what we achieved in 2022, which was a record year in itself.

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Event, Partner Helene Isander Event, Partner Helene Isander

Full-day conference "Baltic Sea Solutions" in conjunction with this year's Baltic Sea Day

The blue economy was the overarching theme at the full-day conference "Baltic Sea Solutions," a forum aimed at highlighting how the business sector can reduce its negative impact and contribute to a healthier Baltic Sea. The conference, organised by Race For The Baltic in cooperation with strong partners, was held in conjunction with Baltic Sea Day. Baltic Sea Day is an annual event taking place on the last Thursday of August. 

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Ports Helene Isander Ports Helene Isander

Port: updated prevention cover in terminals

In Q3 2023, we've made notable progress in designing our new, strengthened prevention cover and identified new terminals interested in partnering with Race For The Baltic. As a result of the ongoing collaborations within the project we have also identified a new potential phosphorus source to the Baltic Sea, arising from increased grain handling activities in Polish ports. 

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Fish Helene Isander Fish Helene Isander

Fish: Bream from the Baltic Sea now ‘Green-Lighted’ by WWF

We are pleased to report that bream from the Baltic Sea has now been given a 'green light' in the WWF Sustainable Seafood Guide 2023. This new guidance marks an important milestone on the path to creating conditions for sustainable commercial fishing of bream — an underutilized fish species. 

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Reed Helene Isander Reed Helene Isander

BalticReed: Successful harvest, royal visit, and project kick-off

RFTB collaborated with Vaxholm municipality, Sjöutsikt, and SLU for a successful reed harvest in Vaxholm, the reed will be evaluated as animal fodder for cattle and horses. In connection to Baltic Sea Day HRH The Crown Princess made a field visit and got to experience the entire reed utilisation chain. In Helsinki, the project kicked off with partners discussing vital insights, emphasizing planning tools and reed harvesting techniques for coastal areas. 

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News Helene Isander News Helene Isander

Race For The Baltic turns 10 years – How it all started

This year is a special year for us because it marks the 10th anniversary of our foundation. It all began with a cycling tour through all 9 countries around the Baltic Sea, and 25,000+ collected signatures calling on Environmental Ministers to fulfil the goals agreed upon in the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan. Join us on a trip down memory lane as we celebrate a decade of Race For The Baltic's history.

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Ports Helene Isander Ports Helene Isander


Improved handling of dry bulk cargo in ports can significantly help reduce environmental impact. An effective measure to prevent spillage of dry bulk cargo in port terminals and mitigate this risk is the implementation of prevention covers. These covers are designed to bridge the gap between the quay of the port terminal and the cargo ship.

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Event, Partner Helene Isander Event, Partner Helene Isander

Pressmeddelande: Baltic Sea Solutions – Framtidens lösningar för Östersjön

Östersjön, känt både för sin biologiska mångfald och som ett av världens mest förorenade innanhav. Baltic Sea Solutions, ett unikt forum i samband med Östersjödagen, siktar på att förändra detta. Med visionen att belysa och främja konkreta åtgärder och lösningar för att bevara och revitalisera detta kritiska vattenekosystem. Samtidigt erbjuder havet stora möjligheter till lösningar. Med rätt förvaltning har haven potentialen att hjälpa mänskligheten genom att producera protein och energi. Evenemanget, understött av betydande aktörer, syftar att skapa en mötesplats för att kunna accelerera innovativa och skalbara lösningar för ett friskt Östersjön.

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Ports Helene Isander Ports Helene Isander

Port: More port terminals

In close collaboration with our Production project we have continued our work to prevent leakages in port terminals handling dry bulk. In the past quarter we made progress in several medium-sized terminals in north-western Poland, where discussions on various solutions took place. We see good opportunities to implement solutions in several of these port terminals in the near future.

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Event, Partner Helene Isander Event, Partner Helene Isander

Baltic Sea Solutions: Innovationer för en hållbar blå ekonomi

31 augusti samlas vi i Stockholm för att fira Östersjödagen och för att djupdyka i konkreta åtgärder som kan vidtas för ett friskare Östersjön.

På eventet Baltic Sea Solutions kommer vi i fyra block lyfta hållbara lösningar inom blå mat, innovativa vattenreningstekniker, hållbar blå finans och banbrytande startup-tekniker. 

Ett välmående hav är grunden till vår välfärd och en god ekonomi. Ta möjligheten att fördjupa dig inom den hållbara blåa ekonomins potential, nätverka och bidra till de gemensamma ansträngningarna som görs för att skydda Östersjön.

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