News Helene Isander News Helene Isander

Evaluation of measures in agricultural sector – new report from Vattenmyndigheterna 

What measures are being taken in the agricultural sector, compared to potential and need? This is analysed in a new report from Vattenmyndighterna/The water authorities, released 8th of October.  Agriculture plays an important role in solving the eutrophication problem and there are mainly two large support systems for farmers: LOVA and Strategical plan (EU). This evaluation focus on subsidized measures. It shows that the rate of action needs to increase significantly, especially for phosphorus, and the accuracy of the supported measures needs to be significantly better.

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GYPREG, Event Helene Isander GYPREG, Event Helene Isander

Gypsum field trials and royal visit

In GYPREG, gypsum amendment is evaluated as an alternative to structural liming for tackling agricultural phosphorus load. Since beginning of September, the Swedish field trials with gypsum amendment are up and running. The field trials are an important part of the project and in Sweden the trials include a comparison between gypsum treatment and liming. As a great introduction to the trials, we were honoured with a royal visit during a demonstration at Sättra gård. Additionally, we are increasing the dialogue with stakeholders in both Sweden and Poland. 

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Reed Helene Isander Reed Helene Isander

Reed Harvesting, Product Development and Investors workshop

RFTB harvested a total of 15 hectares of reed during July and August, the reed was mainly used as horse fodder and soil improvement. It was an important step in establishing proof of concept for reed-based soil as well as building capacity and market demand for reed-based horse fodder. Furthermore, in August the BalticReed project- and steering group convened in Mariehamn Åland Islands, to host a dynamic workshop where entrepreneurs, researchers, and financiers explored innovative approaches to utilising reed as a raw material in different purposes.  

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News Helene Isander News Helene Isander

Baltic Herring Fishing Under Legal Scrutiny: NGOs Take the Fight to EU Court 

The Baltic Sea's herring stocks have been in a critical state for years, and now Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) – a network of environmental NGOs - has taken the battle to the highest legal level in Europe. CCB has indeed appealed to the European Court of Justice, demanding that the EU Council´s decision on EU fishing quotas for 2024 for the Baltic herring be declared invalid due to the severe collapse of its population. 

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Ports, Dry Bulk Helene Isander Ports, Dry Bulk Helene Isander

Final Stages of the Port Project and the Launch of the Dry Bulk Project

In Q3, we finalised the Port project. As the one of the last activities we ensured that some of Poland’s largest ports implemented our Catalogue of Best Practices and Technologies for Handling Dry Bulk Fertilizer into their port guidelines. Also, finally, our prevention covers in West Pomerania have started to be produced. As the Port project ended, we started our new project “Dry Bulk” in July. This project will focus on reducing the leakage of other phosphorus rich dry bulk materials such as seed, fodder etc. The project is co-financed via the Interreg South Baltic Programme ("PortSHAZ")." In line with this new project, we made visits to a few Baltic dry bulk terminals and attended the Baltic Port Organization Conference in Klaipeda.

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Event, News, Partner Helene Isander Event, News, Partner Helene Isander

Baltic Sea Day Internationally and in Sweden

It's encouraging to witness the continued growth and impact of Baltic Sea Day, which is gaining more recognition each year. On the international level, this year's celebration spanned 8 countries and 40 cities, with 200 partners contributing to the creation of 225 news stories - with a potential reach of 20 million people! 

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Restoration, Underwater Restoration Helene Isander Restoration, Underwater Restoration Helene Isander

Wrap-up with LIFE IP Rich Waters on internal loading  

RFTB participated in a workshop organised by LIFE IP Rich Waters, focusing on internal loading in the coastal zones of the Baltic Sea. The workshop featured several presentations, including “Thriving Bays in the Baltic Sea,” which discussed aluminum application in a shallow bay, and the project to improve lake Öljaren through low-flow dredging and reduction fishing.

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Ports Helene Isander Ports Helene Isander

Roundtable marking the conclusion of the Port Project

During the second quarter of 2024, we wrapped up our Port Project by organising a significant event “port roundtable” — a meeting focused on developing the Best Practices and Technologies Catalogue for the transshipment of dry bulk goods (particularly fertilizers and phosphates). Additionally, in June, we attended the largest maritime conference in Poland, “Congress Polish Ports 2030,” in Sopot. In May, we also travelled to Klaipeda to meet with port and terminal representatives. Furthermore, we made significant progress with the prevention covers.

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Reed Helene Isander Reed Helene Isander

Driving reed-based soil solutions forward 

Together with Axfoundation we hosted a dynamic roundtable at Torsåker Farm, exploring reed as a sustainable soil improvement alternative. Stakeholders, including researchers and entrepreneurs, discussed investment needs, logistics, and innovative business models for reed-based soil. Additionally, a workshop was held in Helsinki with the John Nurminen Foundation, which brought together experts to support reed harvesters and enhance value chain efficiency. This summer, RFTB will harvest reed in Vaxholm and Norrtälje, collaborating with Skärgårdsstiftelsen, Statens Fastighetsverk, and Vaxholm municipality.

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BSCAC, City Accelerator Helene Isander BSCAC, City Accelerator Helene Isander

The Club is thriving in Katrineholm

Over three days, Katrineholm hosted the Baltic Sea City Accelerator Club for the first time since they took over the operations for the Club. Participants from Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden gathered to accelerate efforts to improve water quality in the Baltic Sea, through collaboration and cross-sector cooperation. During the event there were lectures, workshops, and field visits to see concrete examples of how measures can help reduce nutrient leakage in a rural context in both Katrineholm and Nyköping. deepened their knowledge of the EU Water Framework Directive and gained a deeper understanding of how the environmental toxin PFAS affects the Baltic Sea.

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GYPREG Helene Isander GYPREG Helene Isander

Field testing and new recruitment to the project

Firstly RFTB would like to welcome Elsa Bertils who is the new business manager for the GYPREG project! Elsa has extensive experience from innovation and strategic sustainability work. In her previous role Elsa was Sustainability Manager at one of the largest soil producers in Sweden. In Q2, RFTB organised a stakeholder webinar for awareness raising and participated at the project partner meeting in Krakow. The theme was tackling agricultural phosphorus load by soil amendments. Field tests will begin in Sweden in August to evaluate gypsum's effectiveness.

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Production Helene Isander Production Helene Isander

Strengthened partnership and data collection

In Q2 RFTB held a productive meeting with Grupa Azoty Police, discussing environmental commitments and projects to reduce phosphorus emissions. We are now considering partnering with another fertilizer plants to limit phosphorus discharge into the Baltic Sea. Additionally, RFTB began data collection from cleaning sweepers during the first quarter of 2024. This data, covering phosphate rock and fertilizers collected from quays, storage areas, and ship holds, highlights the effectiveness of the cleaning machines in preventing significant pollution of the Baltic Sea.

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Reed, Partner Helene Isander Reed, Partner Helene Isander

BalticReed: Project partner meeting and mapping of harvesting sites 

RFTB hosted a two-day project partner meeting in Stockholm, with internal workshops at Boston Consulting Group, a study visit to RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, which highlighted innovative methods of transforming reed into sustainable packaging solutions. The following day, a seminar focused on the untapped potential of reed-based value chains, was held at Mannheimer Swartling. A recording from the seminar can be found here. Together with partners, potential reed harvesting sites have been identified for the harvest, which is planned for summer ‘24. Additionally, a survey has been distributed to Swedish municipalities along the Baltic Sea coast, aiming to gather data on local reed harvesting practices.

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News Helene Isander News Helene Isander

Intervju med Desirée Jaks - Årets Kock med ett hjärta för Östersjön

Vi på Race For The Baltic är entusiastiska över att dela med oss av en exklusiv intervju med Desirée Jaks, årets vinnare av den prestigefyllda titeln Årets Kock. Då vi arbetar med att påskynda lösningar för att säkerställa ett friskt Östersjön för framtida generationer, är det med stor glädje vi lyfter fram Desirées tankar och idéer. Hon talar om allt från sin passion för närproducerade och säsongsmässiga ingredienser till sin personliga relation till Östersjön. Låt oss utforska hennes inspirerande synsätt och hennes vision för en mer hållbar gastronomi och en friskare Östersjö.

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